Nique nac no muse (English translation)
French original
German translation

Oh, if we were in the deep forest,
what nuts we could eat there.
We would eat them with great pleasure!
Nique nac no muse!
You have set me on fire,
inflamed by your beauty!

Oh, if we were at a pond full of fish,
we would let the little ducklings swim,
we would let them swim with great pleasure
with great pleasure!
Nique nac no muse!

Ah, if we were at an oven,
we would eat the hot patties, 
we would eat them with great relish!
Nique nac no muse!

Ah, if only we were in a garden,
then we could hug each other day and night, 
we would hug and with great
with great pleasure!
Nique nac no muse!