Alei Give'a (Bagalil)
(lyrics: Avraham Broides, music: Nahum Nardi)
(Esther Ofarim, 1962)
(A shepherd who guards in the Galilee tells of the life there.)

Alei give'a sham bagalil,
yoshev shomer ubefiv chalil
hu mechalel shirat ro'eh:
laseh, lag'di, lisiyach po'eh
ho, ho...

Hu mechalel koreh: shalom,
elai elai, yeshuv halom.
Yesh manginot befi chalil.
Yesh agadot po bagalil.
Ho, ho...

Hayo-haya gibor atik
tsurim bak'ah, s'la'im he'etik.
Beshir chaim yatsa lakrav
mul asafsuf gadol varav.
Ho, ho...

Tov lamut koh amar.
be'ad artzenu al hamishmar
Hayo-haya gibor chidah,
ve lo z'ro'ah yechidah.
Ho, ho...