April 11/12, 2004
An evening with Esther Ofarim

Esther Ofarim, St. Pauli Theater April 2004 - foto provided by Christian Woile

Esther Ofarim was in concert on April 11 & 12, 2004 at 20.00 h 
in the
St. Pauli Theater, Hamburg.
The concert had great success, Esther again sang "Here I'll stay"
(as at the Kurt Weill Fest)

Read review of the concert


Piano: Yoni Rechter
Violin: Michail Pawaletz
Base: Albert Sommer

Esther Ofarim at the St. Pauli Theater April 2004 - picture provided by Chrisitian Woile
Albert Sommer, Esther Ofarim, Michail Pawaletz

Song list:

April, 11 th

1. Every night
2. Dirty old town
3. Here I'll stay
4. Pavane
5. Layla layla
6. Besade Patuach 
7. September Song
8. She's leaving home
9. Shir eres / Do Do
10. In Germany before the war


Instrumental songs by Yoni Rechter

10. Somewhere over the rainbow
11. Speak Low
12. Ten li yad
13. Moon of Alabama
(Alabama Song)
14. Stu Adarim (Me emek)
15. Bird on a wire
6. Mad about the boy


1. Morning of my life
2. Shir aviv / Gruss
3. Guten Abend / Layla Tov / Lullaby and goodnight

April, 12th

1. Every night
2. Cancion de cuna
3. Ma omrot eynaich
4. Pavane
5. Layla layla
6. Besade Patuach 
7. September Song
8. She's leaving home
9. Shir eres / Do Do
10. In Germany before the war


Instrumental songs by Yoni Rechter

10. Somewhere over the rainbow
11. Speak Low
12. Ten li yad
13. Moon of Alabama
(Alabama Song)
14. Stu Adarim (Me emek)
15. Bird on a wire
6. Mad about the boy

1. Dirty old town
2. Morning of my life
3. Shir aviv / Gruss
4. Guten Abend / Layla Tov / Lullaby and goodnight


Esther Ofarim, St. Pauli Theater April 2004 - picture taken by Christian Woile

Review by Robert van Leeuwen:

Esther Ofarim, St. Pauli Theater April 2004 - picture provided by Christian Woile

No two concerts of Esther are the same and I was able to witness just that on these two consecutive nights. It probably has to do with the mood she is in and cores occurring between her and the audience. This is what makes attending her concerts so interesting. Although I always love her steady repertoire, I was naturally curious to hear her live version of Here I’ll stay which she had learnt for the Kurt Weill festival in Dessau last February. Well almost forty years after her studio recording she can still hit all those high notes. Interestingly she sang the beautiful verse to Here I’ll stay which is usually left out. There were some minor changes made in the program during the second evening. The ever beautiful Dirty old town was moved toward the end as an encore and we got Canción de cuna para dormir a un negrito instead. Esther introduced it as a Cuban lullaby which does not mean you should fall asleep now. ‘Wiegenlieder’ have messages, too, and this is a song about a black child reassured by his mother that when he is sleeping he is not a slave anymore. Furthermore on the second night Here I’ll stay was replaced by Ma omrot einaich. It sounded refreshingly new with Esther changing from soft and tender singing to emotional lament, supported by Yoni’s backing vocals. The addition of bassist Albert Sommer provides for a fuller overall sound. There is now a steady beat when appropiate and switching over to bass-fiddle it blends beautifully with Michael’s violin. This was particularily effective on Besade Patuach and In Germany before the war, both sounding as if Esther was backed by a forty piece orchestra. They knocked me out completely. Speak low is a good example of what Esther recently said about singing, that it should be like flying: light, crisp and jazzy. Esther’s first encore was Morning of my life which seemed to please the public a lot and her final encores were Gruss and Guten Abend, gute Nacht. Amazing that she waits till the very end before she sings in German to what is after all a German audience. It sounds so beautiful though and I wish she would sing more in German, recalling for instance her unforgettable songs from Ghetto in 1984. Esther said that the German lyric of Gruss was the original and not the Hebrew, which is about spring (but appropriate for the season). Being a real trooper for her Hamburg gigs I have come to find over the years that Esther is undoing the fringes more and more, getting really down to the essence of the songs. It is a privilege to accompany her on that journey and I’m sure many feel alike.

A big thank-you to Christian Woile, who has provided the fotos and Robert van Leeuwen for his review!


Info BEFORE the concert:

 >>read article / interview of the press<<

comments of the press:


Esther Ofarim (62), Sängerin, die im Grindelviertel lebt, steht am 11. und 12. April im St.-Pauli-Theater auf der Bühne. Gemeinsam mit ihrem Geiger Michail Paweletz will sie Evergreens, Folksongs und Hits von den Beatles und Leonard Cohen präsentieren. (kl)
Hamburger Abendblatt

Esther Ofarim

„Ein Abend“ - Konzert

Auch sie, die seit Jahren in Hamburg lebt, kommt nun an die Reeperbahn. Zusammen mit ihrem Begleiter und Arrangeur Yoni Rechter und dem Geiger Michail Paweletz wird sie einen einmaligen
Mix präsentieren: von Vertonungen des Hohen Lieds über Musical-Hits, amerikanischen Evergreens und Folksongs bis hin zu Leonard Cohen und den Beatles.

Vor 40 Jahren startete die Künstlerin gemeinsam mit Ehemann Abi ihre weltweite Karriere. Pophits wie „Morning of my life“ und „Cinderella Rockefella“ sorgten für millionenfach verkaufte Schallplatten und unzählige Tourneen. Nach der Trennung von ihrem Mann wurde es in den 70ern still die Künstlerin. Für Aufsehen sorgte sie wieder 1984 in Peter Zadecks Inszenierung „Ghetto“ am Deutschen Schauspielhaus. 

Ende der neunziger Jahre entwickelte sie mit ihrem Mentor, dem NDR- Regisseur Horst Königstein, ein Programm aus Liedern ihrer Heimat, Traditionals, Kurt-Weill-Titeln und Pop-Evergreens. Der damalige Intendant der Hamburger Kammerspiele, Ulrich Waller, überredete sie im August 1998 zu zwei Konzerten auf der Hartungstrassen-Bühne – der Jubel war unbeschreiblich.

Das alles ist Legende! Wir freuen uns sehr, dass diese einmalige Stimme nun auch am Spielbudenplatz zu hören ist.

Spielzeiten: 11. und 12.04.04

Esther Ofarim
taken from here 
