Tzaar Halaila (Esther Ofarim, 1979 (rare promo single),1982 (album version)) (words by Dalia Rabikowitz) (the sorrow of the night) (German translation)
watch my video of the rare promo single version of Tzaar Halaila: Haderech kol'kach rechoka Veyesh sahar kivdil meruka Ve'en mi sheyavdil Ben zahav uben b'dil Hashakul bifruta mechuka Veshatim bashamaim avim mahabilim Vekamim be'enutam gagot umigdalim Ve'ola lifneyhem yilelat shualim Sheroe et gevam bimsuchat hagader. Lochashim bimkomam kochavim umasalot vehalayla nofel el yam haleylot Vehaor meraked keragley ha'ayalot Vesolef kemabua hamegiach mekir Vehagal dores et bitnam shel ha'alvot Vehamaim nokvim et eymat hamezulot Ve'omdot alumot hasade venitzavot venotnimhakanim et kolam bemakhela Shuvi nafshi limnuchayci, ki adonai gamal alaychi Haderech kolkach rechoka veyesh sahar kibdil meruka Veyesh mealav or lavan mechalav veshotef kiyeshua amuka haaa.. Many thanks to Salomon Harush for writing it by ear More info about the